EP HOA Board Emergency Meeting Minutes

September 6, 2021, 6:32 -6:41

 Joel called the meeting to order at 6:33. The purpose is to appoint Vernita Whitmore and authorize the President to make necessary purchases for the community, up to a certain dollar amount at his discretion, without board vote on each.

 Patrea nominated Vernita as a new board member. Shena seconded the nomination and all were in favor.


The EP HOA Board Members are as follows:

Joel Kangiser - President

Patrea Fernandez - Secretary

Matt Jordan - Treasurer

Shena Mouring - Member at large

Vernita Whitmore - Member at large 

Joel would like a preapproval to purchase necessary items for the community of up to $1,000. This was triggered from the safety inspection on the lodge which was suggested that we buy safety equipment to stay up to code.  He will send out an email letting everyone know what he is purchasing prior to transaction. Matt suggested per $500. The Board agreed unanimously.


The meeting was adjourned 641 pm